Mohamed Ayman Elbokhary writes ...Life from a «Hole of a Needle»

Mohamed Ayman Elbokhary writes ...Life from a «Hole of a Needle»

nThis is how the situation has become.. You can’t find escape from rebelling against yourself, your conditions, and your terrible silence.. Because the world is like “the Hole of a Needle,” this popular word that expresses the moment of distress that any person goes through and how he can express that moment.nThe world is like “what comes around goes around” .. It is like a bubble.. And the soul sometimes get weak, and therefore all roads and its outlets allow you to stand in amazement, with your head held high, while you are on the brink of responsibility and setting out for your bronze dream. And because it is like that, the air may sting you.nQuestion: Do our dreams have the quality of existence?nThe answer is that the dreams in our imaginations oscillate….We suffer from the terrible silence that takes hold of body and mind…..Is it permissible to cancel our motives in order to continue.nDuring the journey of life, you will go through different situations and circumstances, you will achieve success and jump with joy at your achievement, and you will fall down and lose what you were striving to reach, but in either case, you will sleep at night hoping that tomorrow will be better and that you will achieve more success in the future.nBut have you ever gone to bed at night not really caring about tomorrow, not an iota of interest in what it holds for you? Or did you ever feel that this life has become devoid of meaning for you and that everything has become incapable of making you feel pleasure and happiness with your sense of despair in life? This feeling of yours may occur naturally as a result of some bad circumstances, but it should not continue and turn into a strong emotional feeling that causes you to enter into a dark and melancholic mood and may negatively affect your view of yourself, the people around you, your personal circumstances and the world at large, and it is a feeling related to the future outlook in the first place.nThe feeling of despair of life often leads to a loss of interest in important activities, people, and events, and the individual’s lack of appreciation for any of the things that he previously valued, and the feeling of despair may lead to the individual entering a vicious circle by engaging in a group of activities that increase the feeling of despair, such as isolation, sleeping for a long time, and excessive in eating.nThe feeling of despair of life can result from various factors, and there is a close link between the desire for life and material stability, and in many cases despair of life is linked to financial conditions and continuous and successive material troubles, but the treatment of despair of life in this case does not necessarily mean obtaining wealth, but changing the way you think about money and material needs for happiness and comfort.nDespair in life does not have to develop into a situation in which a person hurts himself. There are some useful ways to help restore hope and improve your life again. Argue your negative thoughts, look for bright spots, and think about what you will get from being desperate and what you will get from positive thinking. Start thinking in ways to solve your problems and try to talk to a friend or family member, and think of a plan and work to achieve it.nIt is the pivotal strategy for the movement of life with all its distress, grief, joy, ambition and rosy dreams that are still in their infancy.nAnd because the situation is still calm and quiet, we eagerly await the signs of light that can help us pass through life with its light and seek again the silk threads.





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