Mohamed Ayman Elbokhary writes…


I will speak with you with all sincerity, love and respect on a very important topic, It is ethics, which is lacking among some people, who are not a small group currently, but by more than fifty percent.

For example, you go down to take a tour of the streets of Egypt, and you find young men and women in the prime of life, you hear bad words from them, and you wander around again to see with your own eyes things that are strange to our society, most notably the lack of respect for young people for adults in the way they talk to them, and mockery of talking to those who are older and experienced than you are in this life, and this indicates the distance of parents from their children regarding how to raise and evaluate young people ethically, before raising them educationally, so what is happening today, is the lack of respect for young people for their parents as well as for their superiors, whether in teaching them right from wrong or in the way of dialogue.

This results in many problems due to the lack of correct education, so the young person becomes ethically, morally, educationally or culturally unqualified, in addition to the poor ethics of some of those who go out on social media platforms, and who repeat them in their dialogues the ugliest words and insults without control from the concerned authorities. Social media platforms are useful to our society, so they must remain only for young people in general to benefit from in their future lives, but if these platforms are used in an impolite manner, it is necessary to The concerned authorities close them as soon as possible so that problems do not increase.

So dear reader, at the end of my speech to you, I say it sincerely if you lose ethics, you lose with it everything beautiful that may happen to you in the future.

Mohamed Ayman Elbokhary

Strands of Silk